“It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.” 

― Ina May Gaskin


As a doula, or birth keeper, I'm happy to support you in the process of welcoming your baby into your home. I have complete faith in you and your body's ability to grow, deliver and nurse your baby naturally. My aim is to create the right set and setting for you to birth your baby, to hold the space and support you where needed.


I prefer to work with you from quite early on in your pregnancy, to guide you through the pregnancy and help you prepare for birth and postpartum. I offer full support throughout the pregnancy, birth and postpartum period, working with max 1 doula client per month.



My service includes: 

  • Free introduction call (zoom) 
  • Intake
  • Information Booklet (pregnancy, labor & birth, and postpartum)
  • Birth Preference Plan guidance
  • Preparing for birth partner workshop
  • Ongoing support via email, WhatsApp or phone
  • Accompanying you in a visit to your care provider (if needed) 
  • 24/7 on call from 37 weeks onwards
  • Continuous support during labour and birth
  • TENS machine and rebozo to use during birth
  • Postnatal visit


Optional : 


Investments : 

As I truly believe in supporting new parents throughout the entire process of becoming parents, I prefer to offer my doula services in combination with the postpartum care. The investment for this complete package  as mentioned above is 2000 euro Preparation & birth support without the postnatal care package is 1500 euro. As I feel every woman deserves the support she needs, I'm open to discuss a payment plan. Prices are excluding VAT, travel & parking costs. 


I'm working in Amsterdam area. Please contact me to schedule a free introduction call via Zoom or phone. 



Full spectrum Doula

I'm trained as a miscarriage and pregnancy loss doula as well. Offering care for those pregnant after miscarriage(s), supporting in abortion, Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR), abortion, or stillbirth. Please contact me to discuss your wishes and needs. During hard times, the right support is invaluable. Feeling that you're not alone in your journey, supported physically, emotionally, and mentally. Someone to reach out to, ask for help, share with what's going on in your mind, have you assist in birthing your stillborn baby, or in Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR). The silence, stigma and shame surrounding these situations makes it harder to talk about it and share your grief. I'm offering a non-judgmental, open and loving presence to parents going through these hardships. 


What my clients say about me 

“Having Lidewij as our doula has been a blessing for us. We felt fully supported during the entire process. She has been there, pure, entirely, totally with us. She has an incredible energy, just being as she is. She really allowed us to feel comfortable, to open up, to share things from deep within. We felt supported before birth to prepare ourselves in the steps that we needed to take, and most importantly to trust, to trust my body and its natural wisdom, to trust my baby, to trust the process, to trust life. She has been the deepest support we could ever ask for.

During birth she was such a loving presence. She, literally, supported my back during surges easing the pain and making it beautiful. She was there, nourishing, taking care of me, of my husband, of our baby.  

The aftercare was amazing, she came home to keep taking care of me, which was so needed! She was a supportive container, with massages, teas, healing practices and with her incredible presence. I would definitely recommend Lidewij to anyone who is looking to have a transformative experience through the birth process, she is the right person to support you all the way.”

- Lucia


“Lidewij stond ons krachtig en kalm bij tijdens een lange baring met onverwachtse wendingen. Dat vergde voor ons veel geduld en vertrouwen in het baringsproces, waar zij een hele belangrijke factor in speelde. Ze was een continue anker in de ruimte waar ik zonder woorden en soms enkel met een blik volledig gebruik van kon maken. We waren samen maar toch liet ze me los in mijn proces. En waar ik het ècht nodig had bracht ze me met simpele woorden, een ferme hand in mijn hand, of enkel oogcontact terug in het moment. “Blijf zacht Lautje”- woorden die nog steeds soms klinken in mijn hoofd op momenten van onrust en paniek. Deze momenten zal ik nooit vergeten. Mede door haar stille kracht kijk ik heel positief terug op de geboorte van mijn kindje en daar ben ik haar eeuwig dankbaar voor.”

- Laura

Childbirth Preparation through Yoga & Ayurveda 4 week course


















A 4-weeks course for couples at any stage of their pregnancy to prepare for labour, birth and parenthood.

The Yoga and Ayurveda Childbirth Preparation Course is crafted with the intention to support couples to feel empowered, inspired and grounded as they journey towards parenthood. We’ll lay the foundation for you to work together as a couple in familiarizing yourself with and preparing for labor and birth, and all four trimesters of pregnancy.

The course blends the ‘theory’ of pregnancy and child birth with guided practices, reflections, and sharings coming from Yoga, Ayurveda, Hypnobirthing and Rebozo practices.

Brought to you by Ombretta and Lidewij, both doulas and yoga teachers. Ombretta bringing in the wisdom of Ayurveda, Lidewij her own experience as a mom of two, and through her work as a full spectrum doula and postpartum support doula.


Please find more information, dates etc here.